Eliminating Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace (Canada)

1 module

Trupp HR

12 Nov 2021


Eliminating Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace (Canada) is the foundational course for building a respectful workplace. This course addresses the concepts of discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace. The content focuses on contributing to a respectful workplace, self-awareness, what to do if you're a target or witness of discrimination or harassment, and how to respond if you engage in or are accused of such behavior.

As part of the modern-day workplace, Trüpp is committed to providing an online learning experience that is contemporary, engaging, and practical. This course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and includes reading content, audio, video, and interactive exercises. Knowledge is assessed with a 20-question final exam at the end of the course, which requires a passing score of 80%. 

This course is written in accordance with the Canada Labour Code employee training requirements for the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations expanding on Bill C-65.

The content in this training is for informational purposes only. Learners should not rely upon the course for legal advice. If you have any questions regarding the content, you can email training@trupphr.com.


After completing this course, learners should be able to:

  • Identify and define various types of workplace harassment and violence.
  • Proactively contribute to fostering a respectful workplace.
  • Apply knowledge to empower oneself as a target or bystander when observing inappropriate behavior. 
  • Identify and correct behavior when behaving offensively.
  • Utilize reporting pathways when necessary and recognize the importance of reporting inappropriate behavior.
  • Explain the company's role in fostering a respectful workplace.
  • Understand the Code allows for a single action, conduct, or comment to constitute harassment and violence.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate of completion

Eliminating Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace (Canada)
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